terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2007

IT class


I have to answer this question:
"What is the primary reason that we created our IT blogs"

I think that the primary reason for us to make the IT blogs is for us to remeber the things we did in IT class. We also do it because we are presenting it on a computer and we are reciving our class scores in the computer. We also do it for us to record our work in a creative way.
My question is in the space above,so you can see my opinion and the question. We also listend to the microsoft tutriol so we can improve on our IT skills. The IT tutoriol will also help us to improve on our english. We learnt how to do a lot of things with the Microsoft word, to improve our knowledge , we also downloaded a Microsoft practice word for us to show our knowledge and what we had learnt in a micrsoft practice word. It had some specialist person specking so we could understande clear, and if some acidents happen we could stop the tape and then continue
We converted our knowledge from the program to the little 'quiz'

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