quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and I finished my plan, then I started my design, which is quite long( 300 words) it as all about my routine. I havent decided who my celebrity is going to be, but it think it will be:
or Princess letizia
ot princess diane

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and we couldnt have any games at the begining, then we came in and we did our plan, Miss Dietrich wasnt here, our subs were Miss Redmain and Me spinks, I finshied my plan and I put it in the Invesitgation I have already Finished, i did one page and at the end I finished and I could play games.


today I came in and I finished my SECOND photo story, I downloaded it into my blog and I commented on other people photostory . I went to hi5 and games for the begning and last 15 minutes because I have finshied.

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2008

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008


today i came in and I did another photo story but this time about kittens because miss does not let us put pictures about us in the interent onnline so i did about flowers and different flowers, I hope I have achived my goals because now I understande how I will work in the photo story.

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and I went to google and see some pictures of watever we wanted for ideas, then we made a practice photo story, I made it about me and my routines, we did this so we could practice before the real one, I have all ready finished my pratice and I have already given in my investigations :)