sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008


Today we came in and I passed to plan, Now I am doing a list of things that I have to do when I create it, then I helped somepeople and made some improvements and I also changed a lot of things.
today we came in and continued in our design, I am now passing to plan. Miss Castro checked my investigation and saw what I needed to correct and what i had to improve on. Then I had to correct it and imporve anything we had to!

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008


Today I finished my invesitgation, and i am finishing my design, and so I am planning my graphs which i really like! I really like to work with the new excel 2007, there is loads of new things! and in this project I am understanding a lot of stff and learning all these new things,that later on I can use them! I love this new IT class!
Unfortuntely we cant play 10 minutes of games, because we were noisy but we could sit wever we want, I sit beside Julia =D I really like this new IT, i hope I can finish this project on time.

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008

6may 08

Today I got the results of my test, I got 87%, It is not bad, but I think I could to better, the problem I had in my test was that I didint have the correct sum, and all of that affected everything else (like the graphs, the quetions etc..) I hope I get a better one next time. But Miss. Castro said that it was not bad so I am not very worried, next time ill just concentrate more. Today I got back my investigation and I didnt losse anything i am so happy!!now i am in my design and i have saved my investigation!:-D
iam loving this IT !

sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008


Today we had a double lesson , we came in and or finished the test we had or continue on ou Investigation or Design. I was ending my design when I lost all the work and I had to go the SIMS office, I asked if they could recover and they did, so I will continue to work on my Design. I hope I dont losse anything because I did a lot of work, there is not a lot of people on design to plan how there graphs are. I hope my graphs turn out great, I love this new excel 2008, I have learnet loads!
Thank you!