sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

Today we came in and went to play some new concentrations test, then we could hear some music and it was break time, then we continued with the roman pamphlet! We did a lot of things today, I nearly finsihed my pamphlet, I also have been looking around and my class mates pamphelts are great !
Today we started again with the typing but now or teacher did a concentration test then we started to do the humanties speech, we were doing a roman pamphlet! We had to collect information and we had to highlight the main points.
I loved it!

terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008


Today we stared with the typing tests and games again, then we went to adujsut our blogs and write some new things. After words we had to go and investigate somethings about the Roman foods and there traditions because we are doing an acticvity day all about Rome, and then if we had done that we had to conitnue with our Investigation! It was soo cool.IT so much fun.


Today we started with the free typing test, then we started to use a diffrent game, It's the concentration were you have to guess were the match of the other card is. After we started on the investagation were we had to answer some questions like for example 'what is a software' or 'what is a hardware' and we had to answers those questions. It was the last day of school so the last 5 minutes we could do watever we want. And I heard some music and went to Hi5!