quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008

quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2008

13 november

today I came in and I worked on my photo story, I finished my design and I only have to finish the voices, the problem is that the image quality is very low :( Time is getting short, work work work! I have to fo this for homework tonight!
Well, wish me luck :D

24 october

Today we didnt play games again, we went to work as soon as possibel when class started, we collected images and put ther URL in the bibliography, my biblography is huge! I have 20 pictures :D they are really funny.
But at the end we played games. I heard music and played re-bubbled.

23 october

We didnt play games tday, we were worked in our sciprt, we worked a lot and at the end we could have 10 minutes game, but I didn't play games, because I was to busy . But I heard music for the whole lesson.

quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and I finished my plan, then I started my design, which is quite long( 300 words) it as all about my routine. I havent decided who my celebrity is going to be, but it think it will be:
or Princess letizia
ot princess diane

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and we couldnt have any games at the begining, then we came in and we did our plan, Miss Dietrich wasnt here, our subs were Miss Redmain and Me spinks, I finshied my plan and I put it in the Invesitgation I have already Finished, i did one page and at the end I finished and I could play games.


today I came in and I finished my SECOND photo story, I downloaded it into my blog and I commented on other people photostory . I went to hi5 and games for the begning and last 15 minutes because I have finshied.

quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2008

sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008


today i came in and I did another photo story but this time about kittens because miss does not let us put pictures about us in the interent onnline so i did about flowers and different flowers, I hope I have achived my goals because now I understande how I will work in the photo story.

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008


today I came in and I went to google and see some pictures of watever we wanted for ideas, then we made a practice photo story, I made it about me and my routines, we did this so we could practice before the real one, I have all ready finished my pratice and I have already given in my investigations :)

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008


today I came in and beat my record on the new game! then I read my investigation and hand it in, it was perfect! then I could play games and hear music, I really liked my invesitgation !

quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2008


today I came in and tried a new typing games, then I went to finish number 4 and Ive FINALLY finished my investigastion, next week Ill start the planning, im really exitied to see how it will finish! =D

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008


today I came in and I went to do some typing games for 15 minutes, then I went to do my year 8 unit of work, I countinued it, I didnt do question 4, I will came back to it, so I did the other question I finished it (exept question 4) which I will do when I have finished all the questions. then I went to my blog to see if I had any new comments and to do my reflection. I am really liking the classes the year 8 unit of work is sooo nice =D

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008


this term we are going to learn about photo story and phtot shop, we will be using a picture of us and we will making effects and leraning about photoshop, i will really like i! =D

sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2008


today we came in and did a cover page, year 8 unit of work, then we had to answer questions about digital story telling. we had to answer till question 4, we will be working o this project untill the end of the term, know i know quite a lot about digital story telling.


today I came in and I went to year8it.blogpot.com and then I went and saw other blogs from peoplçe from last year, then I added some other peoples from my class
(links) so I can go there and comment once in a while.

sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008


Today we came in and I passed to plan, Now I am doing a list of things that I have to do when I create it, then I helped somepeople and made some improvements and I also changed a lot of things.
today we came in and continued in our design, I am now passing to plan. Miss Castro checked my investigation and saw what I needed to correct and what i had to improve on. Then I had to correct it and imporve anything we had to!

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008


Today I finished my invesitgation, and i am finishing my design, and so I am planning my graphs which i really like! I really like to work with the new excel 2007, there is loads of new things! and in this project I am understanding a lot of stff and learning all these new things,that later on I can use them! I love this new IT class!
Unfortuntely we cant play 10 minutes of games, because we were noisy but we could sit wever we want, I sit beside Julia =D I really like this new IT, i hope I can finish this project on time.

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008

6may 08

Today I got the results of my test, I got 87%, It is not bad, but I think I could to better, the problem I had in my test was that I didint have the correct sum, and all of that affected everything else (like the graphs, the quetions etc..) I hope I get a better one next time. But Miss. Castro said that it was not bad so I am not very worried, next time ill just concentrate more. Today I got back my investigation and I didnt losse anything i am so happy!!now i am in my design and i have saved my investigation!:-D
iam loving this IT !

sexta-feira, 2 de maio de 2008


Today we had a double lesson , we came in and or finished the test we had or continue on ou Investigation or Design. I was ending my design when I lost all the work and I had to go the SIMS office, I asked if they could recover and they did, so I will continue to work on my Design. I hope I dont losse anything because I did a lot of work, there is not a lot of people on design to plan how there graphs are. I hope my graphs turn out great, I love this new excel 2008, I have learnet loads!
Thank you!

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008


Today we came and I nearly finshed my investigation, I am finishing my last question which is finsing data. My data is populations of our countries. Now I studies a bit of the test whcih will be on tuesday or on friday we havent decided yet. I will study a lot to have good grades:). I am now finishing my 4th question. I hope that I will undersantde a lot of the test because miss castro says it is not hard and I am going to at least get over 80%! So I am quite confindent, I have read all about the questions in the test , so I am prepeard!

sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2008


Today we came in, we were very tired so we came and spoke about our investigation. Then we went to our computers and I heard again the tutorials so I felt confidence for the test, Miss Castro gave us an idea of what was going to be on the test. Some of my class mates did the investigations but I heard the tutorials and kept notes of it. So I am ready for the test. So now i am going to do the investigatio and see what we have to do.


Today we have a new teacher for IT called Miss Castro, she introduced us with a assignement we had to do about Excel 2007 , We had to do an investigation about graphs and the population around the world, after that we had 10 minutes of games and we had to come and write in our blogs! It was very cool, but we have a lot of work!I hope I like this new excel 2008 because I never used it. I hope we also dont have a lot of tests. I really want to learn more about excel 2007

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2008


Today we FINSIHED our pamphlets, but some bad things happend, I couldnt put the writing together, so I just did what I could and I gave it like that, because I was wasting to much inc and paper, and so were my class mates so I just printed in 2 papers and then I dont waste that much paper and inc!
so thats that, unfortuately our teacher is not here :( Have a nice trip Miss Dietrich

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

Today we came in and went to play some new concentrations test, then we could hear some music and it was break time, then we continued with the roman pamphlet! We did a lot of things today, I nearly finsihed my pamphlet, I also have been looking around and my class mates pamphelts are great !
Today we started again with the typing but now or teacher did a concentration test then we started to do the humanties speech, we were doing a roman pamphlet! We had to collect information and we had to highlight the main points.
I loved it!

terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008


Today we stared with the typing tests and games again, then we went to adujsut our blogs and write some new things. After words we had to go and investigate somethings about the Roman foods and there traditions because we are doing an acticvity day all about Rome, and then if we had done that we had to conitnue with our Investigation! It was soo cool.IT so much fun.


Today we started with the free typing test, then we started to use a diffrent game, It's the concentration were you have to guess were the match of the other card is. After we started on the investagation were we had to answer some questions like for example 'what is a software' or 'what is a hardware' and we had to answers those questions. It was the last day of school so the last 5 minutes we could do watever we want. And I heard some music and went to Hi5!

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2008



Today we came in and went to our typing lessons. In my test I had 60 words in one minute. That was my record!
I was very happy.The other things I did was put in my blog our design cycle, and after I had to write an article and see what was wrong with it! It was soo much fun!

This is my design cycle that we learnt in class. First we have to Investigate, Design, Plan, Create and then evaluate. That is how you do an investigation.

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2008

We continued to do the typing games, I beat my record 56 but it´s very similar to the last one, Me and my friends also did a good record because she was telling me the story and I wrote it.

Today we continued doing our typing games. I discoverd a new thing that we also had test so I hope I can get better each week. We also had a look at our blog seeing If everythingn was okay. We also did some work in our blog, I coudn´t we here the whole class because I was feelingf sick and I went away at the end. But it was very nice!


Today in I.T. class

Today we did a lot of things. We went to a site were we could practice our typing. I beat my reacord with 54 words per minute. We alos practiced typing in our microsoft work. But we spent most of our time practicing in our typing.
